Master of Music Studies
The University of Melbourne
Bachelor of Music
Major in Jazz Voice and improvisation
Minor in Aural Studies & Vocal Pedagogy
Queensland Conservatorium
- Recipient of three awards for academic work and vocal performance skills.
Graduate Diploma in Education
The University of New England
Graduate Certificate in Arts (Music)
Monash University
Certificate in Vocology
National Centre for Voice & Speech
University of Utah
Certificate IV in Training & Assessment
Box Hill Institute
PhD in Education (Music)
Monash University
In progress
Melinda Ceresoli, specialist contemporary singing teacher and vocologist.
Born into a family of professional musicians, Melinda started performing in her teens, as a singer and pianist. She has performed hundreds of live gigs and numerous studio sessions, mostly radio and TV jingles. She is a singing and piano teacher with over 20 years experience, and has taught classroom music in various educational settings, including schools (K-12), university & TAFE and preschool programs.
Melinda was, until recently, Head of Voice and Aural Studies at Box Hill Institute, Centre for Creative Industries. She has been a voice examiner for Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB), and a VCAA consultative panel member for VCE Music Peformance. She has held committee positions for the Austrailan National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS) and the Association of Music Educators, Victoria (aMuse).
Melinda's passion for helping students develop a musical ear, led to the creation of her book & CD series, called "VCE Musicianship Essentials" and the new "VCE Music Language Essentials", which have sold over 20,000 copies. Melinda loves working with VCE contemporary singers, preparing them to a high level for all assessments, and most of all, their final performance exam. She regularly runs teacher training sessions, and is invited to present sessions and workshops in both singing and musicianship.
Melinda is Australia's first certified "vocologist", from the National Centre of Voice and Speech, at the University of Utah, where she studied with world renowned voice scientist, Prof Ingo Titze. She has also completed voice disorders studies with Dr Katherine Verdolini, Professor of Communication Science and Disorders, University of Pittsburgh.
Melinda also has a strong interest in teaching piano and singing to kids/teens with Aspergers/ autism, and continues to undertake research in this area. She has developed a unique approach to teaching kids with ASD, which has proven to be successful. She is currently documenting her approach and strategies to share with other studio teachers.
• Victorian Institute of Teaching (full member)
• Australian National Association for Teachers of Singing (ANATS)
• Association of Music Educators, VIC (aMuse)
• Amaze
• Aspergers Victoria

Melinda's parents were professional musicians, and featured in one of Melbourne's first Italian/Latin American bands "Mokambo". Dad was the accordionist and band leader, and mum was the lead singer. Pic from 1960s (before Mel's time!)