What Do Top-Scoring Singers Do in their VCE Exam?"
Date: Tuesday 3 April 2018
(school holidays)
(possible 2nd workshop on 10/4)
Time: 10:15AM - 3:30PM
Doors open at 10AM
Venue: Hawthorn Library
584 Glenferrie Rd., Hawthorn
Meeting Room 2 (upstairs - lift available)
Host: Melinda Ceresoli
VCE Contemporary Voice specialist
Cost: $70 students
$80 teachers (PD certificate supplied)
Please note that lunch is not provided.
"Mel has amazing knowledge, and she's a really great teacher. This course was really beneficial and worthwhile. Would strongly recommend it to others!"
"This course was amazing. I really loved all the handy tips and tricks!"
"Great course!!" Melinda has such indepth knowledge"
"Very useful and interesting. Definitely worthwhile."
"I liked learning about styles. I also learned lots about techniques and setting up a good practice schedule. This course was really helpful and definitely inspiring."
"The explanation of all of the areas was extremely clear, precise & easy to follow. Thanks very much. The course has significantly benefited me as a singer and musician."
"Very VERY helpful"
"The wealth of knowledge that Mel had to offer over a wide range of techniques and the way there were described were so helpful. This course was super educational."
"I loved having a teacher that was really knowledgeable and friendly. I learned some great techniques."
"Mel was very good and it was fun to take part in. The course cannot be improved - it's perfect!"
Workshop content:
What do the top-scoring singers do in their exam?
This invaluable workshop will feature essential information to enable VCE singing students to gain a clear understanding of the requirements and exam criteria. This workshop aims to give students confidence to produce the best results in their VCE vocal studies.
Although students enrolled in VCE MUSIC INVESTIGATION will benefit greatly from this workshop, the focus will be on VCE MUSIC PERFORMANCE requirements. Students in Units 1&2 are welcome to to attend.
Workshop topics include:
• selecting a great program that displays the student's STRONGEST vocal, musical and stylistic features
• aiming for top marks for each of the 10 performance exam
• singing in different styles: an introduction
• building solid vocal technique and stamina
• establishing an effective practice regime to maximise vocal improvement
• putting on a show..!
To enrol: Fill in online registration form first. Once done, click paypal button below on right. Thanks.
Pay below with PayPal
If paying by PayPal, please click the "Buy Now" PayPal button below. Ensure that you fill in the electronic enrolment form.
Thank you.
Student payment: $70

Teacher payment: $80

Workshop Refund Policy
Please note:
NO refunds after 9th March 2018
Refunds before 9th March 2018 will incur a $10 administration fee.